tree leaves


The college is a private limited company. The name of the company is Bedstone Educational Limited.

The contact details for the company are:

Bedstone Educational Limited, Bucknell, Shropshire SY7 0BG. Tel: 01547-530303

The members of the Board of Directors are: Cherry Han, Xuyan Lin, Jing Wang and Robert Tasker (Chair)

The Board of Directors meet termly to discuss strategy direction and issues for the school.

They are supported by the Local Governance Committee, who meet regularly to subjects relevant to the day-to-day running of the school, including Teaching and Learning, Health and Safety, Examination Results, Safeguarding and Boarding provision.

The members of the Local Governance Committee are:

Robert Tasker (Chair) Experienced Head and Designated Safeguarding Lead
Claire Beddow PE and Science Teacher at Bedstone, Old Bedstonian and Staff Representative
Jonathan Hart Parent of a girl in Year 11 and boy in Year 8.  Chair of the Friends of Bedstone group
John Lynch Former Deputy Head of Bedstone and representative of the Old Bedstonian Society
Vaughan Phillips Successful local business owner, including Manor Adventure (based in South Shropshire with sites in England, Wales, Scotland and France)
Michelle Warner An expert in Special Needs Education, Michelle is a Bedstone parent of the 2022-23 Head Girl as well as a son in the Junior School

The address of the college is: Bedstone College, Bucknell, Shropshire SY7 0BG. Tel: 01547-530303