Pastoral Overview
Bedstone is very much a family. Our core values are to look after each other and show care and consideration. The motto of the college is Caritas and, whilst there is no single word that adequately translates the Latin term, it encompasses love, charity and goodwill towards our fellow man. At Bedstone that is our way of life, not just our motto.
The last full ISI inspection report of Bedstone (September 2009) said the following:
“The college provides outstanding care for students throughout the college. Induction procedures are comprehensive and well implemented for students entering the senior school from the junior school at Year 7 or at entering at Year 12. Careers advice in making option choices supports the needs of individuals. At key points of transition, staff advise and guide students. Comprehensive care is provided for students in the junior school with the class teacher being the source of support and protection for each student. In the senior school pastoral care is effectively structured around the house system. The boarding houses cater for the needs of the boarders with the day students being assigned to a day house with their own house leaders. In Years 7 and 8 the class registrar is also the tutor for that class. From Year 9 onward each student is allocated to a tutor group with fewer members than the class group. A tutor assigned to the group meets with individuals in the group on a regular and frequent basis to offer advice, support and to check on each student’s progress. Where necessary this tutor supports the student and makes contact with parents should there be any concerns. The contributions of the tutors and the house staff, including the staff in the house for day students, are key features in the success of the pastoral care. Tutors and pastoral leaders understand and are committed to fulfilling their responsibilities towards the full development of all students in their care. The channels of support are clearly defined, well understood and effective. Parents are happy with the quality of care and guidance given to their children. Students like being at the school, and feel they are known to staff and are valued and supported. The excellent pastoral care is a major contributor not only to the happy atmosphere of the school, but also to the good standards attained in academic results and in all areas of achievement.
Staff are assisted by effective pastoral arrangements. Tutors have several levels of support on which they can draw in carrying out their work. The second master is the line manager of the house staff and they manage the work of the tutors. In this way senior staff house leaders provide the backup and guidance that staff need in discharging their duties. Regular pastoral meetings enable the sharing of information and ensure a consistency of approach. The role of the tutor is clearly defined in the staff handbook. The role of the head boy and head girl in leading teams of prefects is an opportunity for students to play an active role in the pastoral care structures of the college. All the required policies for the pastoral care of students are in place and give guidance to staff on how best to serve students’ needs.
The outstanding quality of relationships between staff and students is a key element in creating and sustaining the ethos of the college. The relaxed rapport between staff and students in lessons and around the college speaks of positive and supportive relationships. Students and staff show a high level of respect towards each other.” ISI report on Bedstone College 2009
What more can we say?