We are proud that we have such close links with our parents. Here is just a sample of what some of them have to say about Bedstone College:
“We discovered Bedstone College whilst looking for a senior school for our son and knew from the very first meeting this was an environment in which our children could thrive.
We made the decision to move all four of our children who were attending state school to Bedstone and feel it is one of the best decisions we have ever made. Our youngest daughter (who was in Reception at this time) was struggling at state school & after attending for a year wasn’t achieving her potential. After a few weeks at Bedstone the decision was made that she should repeat Reception, putting her a year behind her peer group. She has now been at Bedstone for nearly two years, she has caught up & is enjoying learning, playing & growing within her peer group.
At Bedstone College they focus not only on the academic side of school life – they nurture every aspect of the child, giving each individual student the chance to shine. I cannot speak highly enough of the Bedstone family into which we have been adopted. The experiences that my children are being offered are above and beyond anything we ever had the chance to have as children, from being on every sports team to participating in all house competitions, school productions and a variety of extra curricular activities.” – Mrs O.
“she enjoyed Bedstone very much and we think it did her a lot of good! Apart from the obvious (language skills, discovering, adapting and immersing into another way of life) she really has developed a lot more self-confidence. We appreciate that she could spend the term at Bedstone.” – Dr and Mrs B.
“Many greetings. C. has got back a very difficult and important English-test back today. The average is 8 points and she has reached 15 points (the best result which is possible). She is so happy. Thanks a lot to all of you that she is still able to pick the fruits of Bedstone. It is also your credit.
I hope everything is going well in Bedstone. We think very often about this special time for all of us, especially the beginning with the Garden Party and the end with the Mass in the Church of Ludlow; tears with lots of feelings.
In the summer C. has met her room-mate M. again. And for next year (after graduation) she is planning to spend some time in South-America for a social project and some time in England for a summer session.
I wish you all the best …” – Dr F.
“There are only a few days left until my son finishes the academic year he has spent in your country and I would like to share with you my feelings about these months he has been with you. Although he is not a very outgoing child, it only took a few days at Bedstone for him to start feeling really at home and before the end of the first month, he had already decided that he would like to spend the whole year at the school.
I know that, for the entire time he had been with you, he has felt really well cared for and above all, VALUED, and this has helped him grow as a person in terms of his confidence and self-esteem. You should have seen how excited he was to tell me about his participation in events like the cross country, tennis or ping pong! He was overjoyed to have been picked for the school team! His academic level too has improved as he has been able to pass (with good grades) subjects taken in another language. He has never spoken badly of a single teacher, in fact quite the opposite. Nevertheless, the most important thing for me has been the way he has managed to integrate with his classmates. At his time of life, where friendship is the most important thing in deciding the path you will take, he has been able to find people to share his experiences with and I know he has made some really good friends, in particular ******* with whom a bond has been formed that I hope will last many years.
As his father, I have felt so proud of all of the comments the school has made about him.
Finally, I would like to offer my sincerest congratulations and thanks for the way you have looked after my son.
It has been a real pleasure …
Quedan apenas unos días para que mi hijo vuelva del año académico que ha cursado en vuestro país y me gustaría transmitirte mis sensaciones de todos meses que ha pasado con vosotros. A pesar de que L no es un niño muy extrovertido a los pocos días de estar allí ya se encontraba muy a gusto y antes del primer mes, el ya decidió quedarse para todo el curso escolar. Creo que durante todo este tiempo, él se ha sentido muy querido y sobre todo VALORADO, y eso le ha hecho crecer como persona en confianza y autoestima. ¡Tenias que ver con qué ilusión me contaba su participación en los eventos como el cross country, el tenis o el Ping-pong!! Se emocionaba al sentirse elegido para el equipo de su colegio…
A nivel académico, también se ha reforzado viendo como conseguía aprobar, incluso con buenas notas unas asignaturas en otro idioma. Nunca me hablo mal de ningún profesor, mas bien al contrario.
Pero lo mas importante para mi es como se integró con sus compañeros. En un momento de la vida en que la amistad comienza a ser el patrón que dirige tu camino, ha sabido encontrar gente con la que compartir sus vivencias y me consta que ha hecho muy buenos amigos, sobre todo ******, con el cual creo que ha creado un vínculo que ojalá dure muchos años.
Como padre, me he sentido muy orgulloso de los comentarios que me habéis hecho de él.
Para terminar quiero daros mi mas sincera felicitación y mi agradecimiento por cómo habéis cuidado de mi hijo.
Ha sido un verdadero placer …” – Mr P. A.
“Just wanted to send you a quick email to thank you all for welcoming M*** & T*** into Bedstone. They have been attending now for three weeks and both feel like they have been there a lot longer. The kindness they are shown from both the staff and the pupils is overwhelming. There was a fine line between them joining your school or not, but we are very pleased to say that it was one of the best decisions we have ever made. We have had several children attending state schools over the years and can honestly say that the comparison is miles apart.
So thank you all again, keep up the good work.” – Mrs B
“She has wonderful memories of Bedstone and will reccomend this school to everybody” – Mrs M
“We would like to thank all staff and pupils who have made James feel very welcome on his first week at Bedstone; he has settled into the routine very well and is up before the alarm in the morning!” – Mrs W
“Thank you for the superb scholarship day I experienced with my daughter. The process was a great opportunity for her. It challenged her and seemed to inspire her to do her best. Molly always refers to Bedstone as the place that ‘switched her brain on’ and for that I am truly grateful. Many thanks again for the opportunities you offer to Molly. I hope over the years she rewards you with great results and 100% effort.” – Mrs P
“I would like to thank you most sincerely for the care you have taken of Thanapoj. Our parents greatly appreciate the work of your excellent staff who not only encourage the young people to achieve their very best academically but also provide a secure and happy environment in their ‘home away from home’. The preparation the young people have received under your care during these important adolescent years, promoting self confidence and a strong independent work ethic, enables them to take the next big step on their educational journey and then return to Thailand equipped to fulfil key roles in the world of work. Our sincere thanks.” – Dr Sivaraks, Minister for Education, The Royal Thai Embassy, London
“I simply cannot imagine what it is going to be like not having your updates/emails and support. It is in no small part (rather the opposite) because of you and your wonderful generosity of time and attention, Aimee has settled in so well and enjoying life at Bedstone. You are an inspirational and, obviously, vocational teacher and head of prep and, as a parent so far away from her chicks, it is has been unbelievably reassuring to have left Aimee in your hands this year. Not forgetting how much support she has needed and relishes in feeling she is coping academically for the first time in her school life – having spent many many, literally heart wrenching, years watching her struggle, no matter how much effort she put in, Bedstone is helping her fly and succeed. Thank you does not seem enough but not sure what other words in the English language would work – even if there were any that could express our gratitude appropriately. Good luck with your new flock in September and let’s hope she is as lucky next year as she has been so far with a teacher/tutor such as yourself watching out for her“. – Mrs B
“You have given my son the VERY best start possible. Andrew and I are both extremely grateful and proud of how Rhys has progressed”. – Julia and Andrew
“As a mother of one of your current students, I am writing you to express my sincerest appreciation of the work that you are doing to satisfy the needs of your students and provide them with top-level educational programmes. It goes without saying that you managed to establish a friendly and family-like environment at your school. I can see how happy my daughter is when she attends classes and shares so much positive feedback with me. Comments and feedback that my daughter shares with me after each semester cement my level of comfort and prove the right choice that I made when I was looking for a school for her“. – Mrs T
“What a great result [2012 DfE performance tables] – very impressive ! Just continues to enforce our opinion what a great school Bedstone is in all areas“. – Alison
And here are some comments from our students:
“This school has changed my life soo much – thanks to every who has supported me and is stillsupporting me, thank you x x x x” – CJ
“Здравствуйте, меня зовут Алина, Я пробыла в Bedstone college 2 года. Расположена школа в очень тихом месте и это очень способствовало обучению так как ничто не отвлекало от учебы. Я получила AAAC в первом году обучения, что позволило мне подать документы для поступления в Оксфорд. Благодаря тому что в школе очень много коренных жителей Британии мой уровень английского значительно улучшился уже за 1-2 месяца. Это хорошая школа для тех кто правда хочет учиться, уровень преподавания хороший, учителя всегда готовы помочь тем кто правда хочет чему-то научиться!” – Alina
“I really like it in Bedstone, it’s different than in my school in Germany but often in a positive way. I live in a girls’ house on the campus. It’s a beautiful house that is hidden by trees and bushes. We are eighteen girls in the house, they are all very nice and I like our houseparents and their three children. Of course in Bedstone they have other rules than in Germany and you have to follow them, but I can live with them. I like the school lessons – they are so short (40 minutes); in Germany it’s always one hour. I think I understand most of my lessons and I know that I’ve already improved my English. The boarding and day pupils are very friendly and you find friends very fast. The food is OK – you have choices and because I like most of it, I always have something to eat that I can enjoy.
I think Bedstone is a very good school, the teachers are friendly and if you don’t understand something you can just ask them and they will explain it to you, so that you understand everything. And when my term finishes, I will tell my friends and persons who are looking for a boarding school in England that Bedstone is a very good school.” – Mila
“I want to stay in England. In Bedstone College I have come to know people from many different places and they are always kind with me and talk more English, I can improve my English. In the boarding house, I feel the people are very funny and interesting. Finally, I am very enjoy my first half term at Bedstone College.” – Edward
“When I first arrived, it was like a new feeling inside me: new friends, new teachers, new house, new room … Firstly I saw a massive school with lots of greenish types of plants and lovely and colourful flowers. My boarding house, Rutter House, was really big and nice and it also reminds me as an old typical English house. Also I saw that we are like 17 or 18 in a class and in my school in Spain we are like 25 per class. Another thing I want to comment on is rugby. At the beginning, I found it quite difficult but I discovered that it was pretty much easy. Now I know how to pass the ball really good, and tackle … so I enjoy it a lot.” – Juan
“Я всегла хотела учиться в Англии и для получения “полного” опыта, я выбрала английскую, традиционную школу – Bedstone college. Благодаря тому, что большинство студентов в школе – это британцы, английский язык было несложно выучить и становилось все легче и легче применять его в повседневной жизни. В сентябре 2011 года, впервые переступив порог общежития, я сразу окунулась в круговорот школьной жизни, поэтому скучать было некогда. Так как школа находится, как сами англичане говорят “in the middle of nowhere”, то большую часть времени я уделяла учебе. На протяжении двух лет я получала огромную поддержку и помошь в академическом плане от учителей. В общежитии я всегда чувствовала себя “как дома” со всеми девочками и Хаус-пэрентами. Чтобы достичь поставленной цели, приходилось много работать, так как я брала достаточно сложные предметы – Математика, Бизнес и География. Система обучения в Англии очень сильно отличается от советской системы обучения. Я закончила этот колледж в Июле 2013 года и не пожалела о своем выборе.” – Darya