students playing violin


Download Bedstone’s Scholarship Application and Information Form

Scholarship Application Form 

The next Scholarship Assessment Day will be confirmed soon. In the meantime, please email or telephone our admissions team on 01547 530961 or to find out more.

At Bedstone we are proud of the achievements of each and every one of our young people. They are dynamic, enthusiastic and caring individuals who have a genuine affection for the College and its fully inclusive ethos. We are a non-selective school and we cherish our tradition of educating children from across the whole social spectrum. To underscore this commitment our scholarships are not awarded for just academic excellence.

We now offer scholarships in a greater number of specialisms, including Sport, Music, Art, Design Technology and ‘All Rounder’, plus of course, Academic. For younger students not quite reaching the demanding standards of full scholarships, we offer smaller “Development” scholarships.  The amount of the award varies but could be worth up to a maximum of 25% of published school fees.

Scholarships are available for entry into Years 3-6, 7, 9, 10 and 12.

Our scholarships are designed to attract talented young people who might not otherwise consider Bedstone as a realistic choice for their education but who would certainly benefit from what we have to offer.

If you would like more information about our scholarship awards, please do contact Anne Whittall, our Admissions Registrar Bedstone College on 01547 530961 or email


Q.  Who can apply for a scholarship?

A. Anyone, whether they are at Bedstone College already or another school, state or private. We offer scholarships for entry into Years 3-6, 7, 9, 10 and 12, on both boarding and day fees.

Q. What sort of level does my child have to be at, to be considered?

A. This depends on the type of scholarship you are applying for, and their age. But for a sports scholarship, for example, we would expect scholars to be able to show a proven track record of representing their school, probably also a club or county. Children are likely to have been participating in the sport for at least a couple of years (depending on age) to demonstrate it is a genuine commitment. Please do contact us if you are unsure whether your child is of the standard needed. And don’t forget, everyone is welcome to apply.

Q. Do you offer 100% scholarships?

A. Alas, as with the majority of independent schools, we simply cannot give away free places. Running a school of our size is a costly concern and we do not have the legacy of many centuries of benefactors. The amount of the award varies but could be worth up to a maximum of 25% of published school fees.

Q. What happens on scholarship day?
A. The day is not daunting and can actually be quite fun. The timetable for each student differs, depending on whether they are applying for an academic, sports, music, art, DT or all rounder award – or a combination of those! We will liaise with you as parents about the timetable, which involves three short exams for academic scholars, an interview with the Head or member of the Senior Management Team and – for other disciplines such as music or art, for example, an interview and assessment from that Head of Department. We do, of course, provide lunch and tours for parents but it typically works best if you leave your children here while they take the various tests or audition, and come and collect them at the end. Believe it or not, this seems to give the applicants less nerves! Don’t worry, they will be well looked after and with people of their own age.

Q. My child is already at Bedstone. Can they apply for a scholarship?

A. Yes, absolutely, provided they are looking for entry into Year 3-6 (Junior 2, 3 and 4) Year 7 (first form), Year 9 (third form), Year 10 (fourth form) or Year 12 (sixth form). They will go through exactly the same assessment as all the other candidates.

Q. Do I have to register to attend the scholarship day?

A. Yes please. As you may imagine, there is a great deal to organise: exam papers, interview schedules, sports matches and numbers for catering. We cannot accept applicants who simply arrive on the day. Just call us on 01547 530961 so we can send you an application form.

Q. I’ve missed the scholarship day. Is it too late?

A. No, we often get later applications for many reasons and, at the Head’s discretion, can arrange another assessment to suit you. The results are compared with those of the earlier assessments to ensure complete fairness. Just call Anne Whittall on 01547 530961 or email

Q.  Do scholarships last throughout the school?

A. Typically, yes – but this is subject to each scholar living up to the expectations of scholarship recipients. These vary according to the discipline of the scholarship – please refer to Bedstone’s Scholarship Application and Information Form to view the expectations we have of Bedstone scholars.